After a couple of fun Christmas parties in Austin, we headed to San Antonio on the 22nd. We stayed with Grammie and she watched Lulu while Gary and I turbo-shopped to buy all of our Christmas presents within about 4 hours (success!). We left the camera with Grammie and here's a pic she took of Lulu in the bath:
On Christmas Eve we made our annual gingerbread houses, with Emmylou getting to participate for her very first time. It was fun knowing that Lulu will continue to enjoy this tradition for many, many years. Emily, Lizzie and I have been making them every year since we were 6! Gary has also become a big fan of decorating the gingerbread houses and helped Emmylou put her hand print (literally) on the Stephens' house.
The best part: getting to eat the candy! Emmylou finally got to put those two teeth to good use!
That night we went to church (here we are all dressed up), and then Lulu got to open her one present for Christmas Eve (with Lola's help): Surprise! It was pajamas! Daddy got some, too.
Emmylou slept well that night and Santa came, just like we promised. Here she is with the tree and opening a few presents. Her favorite? Shredded tissue paper! And although Gary and I did get her a few real toys, we also gave her a box of straws and some Gladware because we knew she'd love them.
Then we went to Lynn's house to celebrate Christmas with Mimi and the rest of the family. Here's Emmylou with her stocking from Mimi and some of the many toys they gave her, all of which light up or talk in some capacity.
On the 26th we went down to the riverwalk for dinner with Grammie, Emily, Lizzie and Khanh. Here are some of them on a bridge in front of the lights:
We went to Port Aransas to see Pawpaw and Nana on the 27th, and Emmylou enjoyed hanging out with Nana and Pawpaw's mom while the rest of us went fishing on Thursday. After catching a ton of fish (who knew fishing was so much fun?!), we took some to a local restaurant which will fry, grill or blacken your catch. Emmylou loved the fish and I told her that was good because I'm sure a whole lot of fish sticks are in her near future. Unfortunately, that night Emmylou started running a fever and we had to cut our visit short and head back to Austin early the next day. Gary and I were freaking out watching the thermometer climb up to 103.7 but tonight I'm happy to report she's almost back to normal. Since we had to leave so quickly I didn't get any photos of Emmylou at the coast (but I'll post some if anyone has any to email me) but here's one of her cuddling with her dad who took turns with me taking care of her in the middle of the night when she was so sick:
Aside from Lulu getting sick, I must say we all had a wonderful Christmas even if it was a little hectic. We want to send everyone a big hug who made it so special for her and us!