After a somewhat lazy morning, things really took off after storytime at 10:15 at the library. We got there right on time and Emmylou was her typical self, insisting on being in the very, very front of everything, "helping" the teacher turn the pages of story books and trying to get her mitts on all the felt pieces going on the felt board and every puppet taken out of a bag. I've been taking her for the past couple of months hoping that one day she'll be able to sit and enjoy the stories and songs without having to be told to sit down by the teacher 10 times, but no such luck yet. Mostly I'm horrified because none of the other 40 kids in there seem so impulsive or demanding of attention but I also tend towards thoughts of "can anyone really expect a just-turned two year-old to sit for half an hour without moving?" and "she's not hurting anyone, she's just enthusiastic!" Anyway, storytime is taking a month-long break and I have to admit that I'm a little relieved.
Right after storytime we usually go over to the children's book section and Emmylou plays on the cushy chairs and picks out a book or two to check out. Today was no different, except that when I started to read the book she chose (it was a book about jelly beans-- I'm not kidding) she started re-situating herself on a little wooden chair but somehow slipped and caught her entire body weight by her nose as it smashed into the table in front of us. Her first bloody nose. Got it in a library.
Where did we go from there? Well, after a moderate bout of crying and rushing out to the car, through her tears she told me that she wanted a "buh-guh from Phil's." Is this my kid or what? I said okay, but told her that first we had to go to the bank and then go to her school for next year to drop off a deposit check and her registration packet. Here's a photo of Emmylou in what will be her "purple" classroom next year. She seemed to really like it.
Then we went to Phil's. Yummy and uneventful, thank God. Then we went to my friend's house to drop off some information I've been working on for a charity auction in a couple of weeks. Then we went home for her nap but she fell asleep on the way there and woke up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed just as I was trying to place her gingerly into her bed for more napping. Thus, more entertainment needed for Emmylou by Mommy. At 3:30 we went to music class and straight from there we went to the farmer's market to meet her friend Leo. Here are some photos of Lou playing in the fountains, before she decided to take her diaper off and run around naked. We've been going to the farmer's market for months now and she's been dying to play in those fountains but it was always too cold. Today she didn't hesitate to take part; she was soaked within seconds...
Once I dried her off and put her clothes back on, she ran straight back into the fountains and soaked herself again.
We finally made it home and Emmylou ate dinner, had a bath, read some stories, brushed her teeth and headed to bed.
I'm amazed I can type at this point. However, I did catch myself whispering "I had fun with you today" as I put her down in her bed to sleep.