After four days of sitting at home doing nothing, it felt great this morning to get out to the hike and bike trail for a walk and to feed the ducks (which didn't show up so we fed some turtles). We also did some marathon grocery shopping at HEB, hit music class, went to my friend Meghan's house for a swim and then met Em at Zocalo for dinner. Gee, I wonder how she got so worn out in the first place?
BTW, further proof that she's on the mend: I only had to watch The Wonder Pets Save the Baby Squirrel three times today. Thank God it's only a 12 minute segment.
Since I don't have any photos of Emmylou to post today and my life has been rather squirrel-centric lately, I thought I'd share this picture with you from Cute Overload a while back:

I mean, who makes sweaters for squirrels?!
I don't know, but I'd probably like them. A lot.