When asked how Mardi Gras was, Emmylou tells people (somewhat exasperated but very matter-of-factly), "well, I sitted in a ladder and yelled 'Throw me something mister' to every float."
Yes, it was such hard work, Emmylou.
And while she really did seem to enjoy it, once during a parade while sitting in the ladder Emmylou asked if she could go inside and do something fun. Excuse me, but WTF??! I promptly replied that yes, sitting on top of a ladder watching dancers and marching bands and beautiful lighted floats and being bombarded by a gazillion beads and stuffed animals is no fun at all. Clearly she sensed my sarcasm because she revised her request to wanting "a different kind of fun." Really she just wanted to go inside and watch Peter Pan, her latest favorite movie. (Speaking of Peter Pan, she also told me matter-of-factly that we're changing her name to Wendy, Miller is having his name changed to Michael, and, "Mommy, you're going to have another baby and name him John." Wanna bet?)