If you received our Christmas (post)card, you might recall that it looked like this: We had a lot of questions about whether the kids were faking sleep or not, so I'll go ahead and admit that the cuddling was all staged. Although I tried several times to get their photos while we were in New York sharing a bed and they were truly sleeping, it turns out they're not quite as cute when they're drooling and all sprawled out.
Yes, somehow I don't think the card would have worked as well with, say, this image... Or, this one.. And probably not this one either.
While I'm strolling down memory lane, here are our long overdue photos from Christmas 2010.
At the school Christmas program, Emmylou's class all dressed up like wisemen. They sang a song then deposited their gifts at the manger for the baby Jesus. All except Emmylou. She walked by then hid hers under her robe and took it back to her seat. Of course we made gingerbread houses again this year. Gingerbread tip #1: Covering your roof pieces with skittles and gumdrops makes for a way-too-heavy roof. Aunt Emmy took Emmylou and Miller to Build-A-Bear a couple of days before Christmas to buy them their gifts: Rudolph and Clarice which they begged for constantly throughout the Christmas season. Miller crashed on Christmas Eve but Emmylou stayed up to leave the milk and cookies out for Santa. She also decided to leave Santa a gift, which was a little stuffed animal that she got when she visited Santa at the mall. Re-gifting already! We enjoyed "The Night Before Christmas" over and over. One of the only photos from Christmas morning... They saw their very own claw game!
I should probably just go without posting this since it's so belated, but I was so proud of the Valentines Emmylou and Miller had this year that I'm going to do it anyway.
I can't take credit for them- I saw the idea on a blog last year about a week after Valentine's Day and waited all year to make them. Usually I forget these kinds of things but somehow I managed to remember this year! Emmylou and Miller were so cooperative, too. I'm sure they'll get made fun of if I try to do this stuff when they're older so I'm taking advantage now!
Obviously I'm still really backed up on posts (look out for Valentine's Day and Christmas coming soon!) but here's something that actually happened only a few weeks ago.
Since Emmylou will start kindergarten in August, she got to go to her new school for a little introductory time. The school's mascot is a Scottie, so they called the day "Scottie Pup Camp." The principal read all the kids a story then they got to go to the cafeteria for a snack of milk and cookies. Emmylou is so excited about starting kindergarten! She has several friends from school now that will be going with her, including Tripp. :)
With her friends Ali and the 2 Annies:
Washing hands before snack while anxious mothers watch: *deep breaths*
Emmylou turned 5 yesterday! I'm having a hard time getting my head around that, although I can't really remember myself before I was a mother. On one hand it seems like it's flown by and on the other it feels like it's been forever.
It seems like we've been celebrating for weeks but yesterday we really did it up with a roller skating outing in the afternoon and dinner at Chuck E. Cheese's later. Miller was running a fever all day so I had to stay home with him during dinner (missing CEC is such a sacrifice!) but I did get to go skating along with Emily and Lizzie. So fun! You should have seen Emmylou shakin' it to 'Single Ladies' out there! I think the last time I roller skated they were playing Joan Jett and Juice Newton...
If Emmylou's a future rollergirl, then Miller is a future mad scientist. We went to the library yesterday and these are the books he chose to check out- completely on his own.
On the other hand, I, myself, can't even figure out how to rotate this photo to post.
Maybe a future Hellcat? Holy Roller? We're taking suggestions for her roller derby name now... I'd vote for Miss Behavin' but I think it's already taken!