As usual, Halloween was a 7-day event this year. I think the kids dressed up in their costumes five separate times. Even Gary and I dressed up three or four times.
The week started with Miller's Pumpkin Parade at school...

Back in the classroom with Cinderella:


Miller then proceeded to wear his T-Rex costume every single day around the house (and, um, sometimes out, too), several days past Halloween.

Last-minute Halloween day Jack-O-Lantern carving:

Sweet Alice:

Silly Alice:

T-Rexes only have 2 fingers, ya know.

Out trick-or-treating on Halloween night:

Princess Leia (Delaney- our new neighbor!) walked down to our street so we could trick-or-treat together:

Candy + Grammie = Miller's favorite combination

Lou with her stash:

Finally, in their super cute Halloween PJs from Mimi!

And here are Gary and I as Bonnie and Clyde at the
Sammy's House Gala:

(reference photo, just in case...)

And Emily and I as Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice at the Goodwill Ghoulwill Ball!

You might have seen them before... ;)

Eugenie also made an appearance on our street during trick-or-treating... We were honored.