At the request of those far, far away (okay, just Emily in Austin), this blog was created to keep everyone updated on what little Emmylou is up to. I'll try to include a daily picture so you can see her grow and maybe include some accounts of how Gary and I are trying to keep the little critter alive and kicking (sometimes harder than it seems). Today she turned 4 weeks old and has grown noticeably larger in the last week or so... she's defiinitely chunking up and even her little arms are growing longer. I realized yesterday that she's actually outgrown an outfit for the very first time! It's one of those sack pajama things and her feet kept popping out of the front through the snaps because she couldn't fully extend her legs in it anymore. So, finally after wearing the same 3 outfits for 4 weeks because everything else was just too big, she's ready for her (relatively speaking) "big girl" clothes. Other news is that she seems to be entering a new phase where she operates between 2 modes: sleeping and crying. To my horror, unless I am holding her, she cries; something I certainly hope has not/will not become a habit. The good news is that instead of her usual 8 hours spent napping throughout the day, she has only slept about 3 hours today, so maybe she'll sleep well tonight. I'll let y'all know tomorrow how that works out.
1 comment:
I came to read your very first post. Knowing how Emmylou today, it's hard to believe she was that tiny baby 4 years ago. She's so cute! She's lucky that her mommy kept a journal of her life from such an early stage of her life!
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