Today marks two milestones in Emmylou's life: 1) she turned one month old today, and 2) she made her very first trip to Nordstrom this afternoon! It was an ordeal getting all of the gear together (who would have ever known that something that weighs less than 10 pounds would need a carload of accessories to survive a 2 hour trip to the mall?), but we made it and us girls had a lovely lunch in the Nordstrom Bistro before hitting the shops. She enjoyed getting oohed and aahhed over (or was that me who enjoyed that?) and her stroller was apparently the topic of the day. I think about 10 people commented on her Bugaboo and Emmylou herself could not have seemed more comfy stretched out in the bassinet. I think this evening we'll take it out again as we're planning on walking down to the Austin Grill for dinner tonight (sadly, the next best thing to being in Austin when you live in Baltimore). These photos are of her waking up after she shopped til she dropped and in her daddy's arms-- I've found that no matter how stressed out he gets, if you shove that baby in his arms, the stress melts away and he immediately becomes a much nicer person!
1 comment:
emmylou's 2nd milestone of today put a smile on my face. You are teaching her all of the important stuff early in life :)
she is so cute! i love the blog.
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