Okay, a few people have been giving me a hard time because I haven't blogged in a few days, but it's because we've just been up to our usual activities-- Baby Yoga, the pool and a little shopping. Not too much that's super-exciting and picture-worthy. To add to it, Emmylou has been really fussy lately and it's been almost 3 weeks since she's slept through the night! Last time she went through this (after her first round of shots) I freaked out thinking it was the end of peaceful sleep for either of us, but in one week she went back to sleeping like usual. Of course, now that I've tried to refrain from freaking out-- this all started again after her second round of shots on July 11th-- she still hasn't gone back to her usual habits! Uggh! I'm hoping that just making a big deal out of it here will bring her back to normal (I know it's not logical, but my fingers are crossed).
Today was pretty bad (fussy-wise) but I think I can feel a tooth starting to sprout so I guess it's understandable. We spent the afternoon at Nordstrom and wandering around the mall. Here is a photo of us after Baby Yoga last week. On Thursday mornings there's a big farmer's market right in front of the yoga studio in the street and we wandered around for awhile and bought some veggies. Unfortunately, the photo doesn't have any of the actual market in the background, but you can see the pretty sunflowers Lulu just
had to have.
P.S. I don't know who that man is behind us (although he does happen to be wearing a cowboy hat!).

And here's what the flowers looked like when we made it home.
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