In other news, it's the Stephens Family: 2, The Mice: 1. We've zapped 2 mice in the last 24 hours since the RatZapper arrived, but not before they ate through another bag of Tostitos. Unfortunately, after we got home from a quick dinner tonight and I opened the pantry door to see if the Zapper's tell-tale red light was blinking (it was!), there was yet another mouse staring at me from on top of the powdered sugar box, acting like he owned the place. But I have no doubt that he'll be toast soon, too; not only am I completely obsessed with getting rid of them (I even dreamed about them last night), I just realized I've been training for this since the second or third grade when this was my favorite game:

And, Gary just came up from the basement and insisted that I post this photo... (I apologize to all the sqeamish out there):

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