Since Gary had to cancel his
Sideways-inspired wine trip with Kirk this past week due to business, we decided to take a shorter family vacation for a couple of days with Steve, Yvonne and their kids to Steve's hometown of Wellsville, New York. I had always heard that upstate New York is the antithesis of what you think of when you hear "New York," and it couldn't be more true. Wellsville is in the middle of beautiful farmland and is quite the picture of Americana. Gary, Emmylou and I stayed with Steve's sweet Grandma Liz in her 100 year old house on Main Street (complete with a wrap-around porch and swing that Emmylou and I enjoyed several times) and got to make several trips to the bar Steve and his cousin Andrew own called Better Days, also on Main Street, a few blocks down. Everyone knows everyone there and we felt like celebrities because everyone knew who we were everywhere we went! Steve and Gary got to play in a golf tournament (Steve and his dad took first place and Gary and Andrew took third!) while Yvonne and I took the kids around town visiting with lots of animals and taking in the amazing scenery. I couldn't believe the weather-- yesterday the high in Wellsville was 76 degrees! We were in sweaters and jackets this morning if you can believe it. Here are lots of photos:
Emmylou on the porch at Steve's parents' house, with their barn in the background:

With one of Steve's mom's "girls"-- she has a few different kinds of chickens, and the one in the picture is an Araucana, the kind Martha Stewart always talks about that lay blue eggs.

B.B. the pig (short for Bacon Bits?)...

Meeting Velvet the horse...

We went to the top of a very tall hill for a lovely picnic...

Grilled burgers and hot dogs and roasted marshmallows...

Yvonne and Maryanne...

Nora and Lulu...

Steve's parents' crazy dog named (what else?) Scout...

Emmylou riding with Daddy on his golf cart...

(These Are) Better Days...

A favorite restaurant on Main Street (I swear, Texas is everywhere)...
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