Last night I went to the National Geographic headquarters in DC for a
lecture (part of their
Masters of Photography series) given by my friend
Penny. She gave an amazing presentation of the work she's been doing over the last four years documenting the often overlooked diversity of the people living along the Texas-Mexico border. Her 20-page photo story about the high society of Laredo will be published in the November 2006 National Geographic magazine (coming out in the next week or so) and I highly recommend that you pick it up. You'll be surprised by what you see! Anyway, since I was in DC last night, Emmylou had her first experience with a real, live, official babysitter. My friend Nikki, who was my former student when I worked at Towson Univ., came over and stayed with Lulu. Although it sounds like Emmylou went to bed pretty quickly, I think they had a good time together.

Here are some photos I took this morning when I brought Emmylou into bed with me when she woke up. She has taken a real interest in Lola lately and always reaches out to pet her when she's around. Similarly, Lola has taken more of an interest in Emmylou, but that's mostly during mealtimes when she's hoping Emmylou will drop her cookie.

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