Dear Emmylou,
Today you turned 8 months old! You are a mess, but I mean that in a good way. You're starting to get into everything and this past month you've really found your voice. To my horror, these days you're all about shrieking and squealing in public. You don't do it because you're mad, but rather as if to say, "hey, lookie what I can do now." Apparently, you want to show everyone. But how can I get too upset about that? I mean, it's a little embarrassing, but as a speech therapist, I should be embracing all of that "vocal play," right? I just keep trying to remember that one day the word "mama" is going to come out of that mouth!
Today I saw you pull yourself up to standing in your crib for the first time. Usually you sit in my lap facing me and grab my collar to pull yourself up. I didn't realize you could do it all by yourself! I know that crawling is just around the corner-- you like to sit on the floor and rock back and forth, inching your way towards whatever shiny silver item is in sight. Sometimes you fall on your face but after a quick cry you're back to your happy self. Soon you'll be taking your first steps, and I can't tell you how excited Daddy is that those will be on Texas soil! We are both so happy that we'll be taking you home in a matter of days. We picked out a pretty good house for you, so I hope it all works out and we end up there. It has a nice, big backyard and the perfect tree in the front yard for a swing just for you! There's also a library down the street where I know we'll spend lots of time listening to stories.
Things are going to be pretty crazy over this next month, so bear with us and we'll get you settled soon. Whenever it gets to be too much, don't hesitate to burrow that little head of yours into my shoulder for a little hug. I'll never be too busy to give you one and chances are I'll need one too.
I couldn't love you more,
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