I know it's been almost another week since my last post, but I have a simple explanation: she's mobile now! Somehow it's gotten a little bit harder finding the time to blog simply because I'm chasing Emmylou around all the time. Oh-- but it could also be due to the fact that I actually have a life here in Austin compared to my relatively lonely existence in Baltimore! Either way, I'll try to do a better job of getting things posted here a little more frequently. Of course, my plan all along has been to continue this blog until Emmylou turns one and then transition to a general Stephens Family blog where I can post special events, vacation photos, etc.; not exactly a play-by-play commentary as this blog has been. Anyway, here are some photos from this past week...
Emmylou has invented her "cute face"- she gives a big smile and scrunches her nose up like she's saying, "Aren't I the cutest kid, like

Lizzie and Khanh hosted a crawfish boil at our house today. Most of his family came in from Dallas for it and a friend of his brought these two little chihuahua puppies with her. Thank God Emily was already on her way to LA for the Grammys and missed the party so she couldn't try to adopt them.

Here is Emmylou in training for Mardi Gras. We go to New Orleans on Thursday!

Daddy was playing with Emmylou through the window this afternoon. I swear she wouldn't recognize him if he ever looked at her without making some crazily-contorted face!

And here is Lulu with me in front of a nice warm fire...
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