It'll be a little fuzzy because it's from my phone and Emmylou has marks on her forehead from where she was sleeping on her hands, but I still think it's pretty cute.
In other news, Emmylou is getting braver every day. After being terrified of the rocket ship that Pawpaw and Nana gave her ever since we brought it home after Christmas, she is finally working up the courage to ride it around the house. I still can't turn the sound on because the "3-2-1 Blast-Off!" and engine rumble sounds scare her half to death, but I'm confident that even that will come in time. These photos are also a little blurry, but you can see that she's enjoying herself...

I would just like you to know Emmylou has several fans here at Mediaweek in NYC. We are especially fond of the bathing suit shots, with the chubby littel thigh rolls and the toddler tummy.
Thanks, Lauren! I'll try to include more chunky shots... swimsuit season is just now approaching, so of course there will be plenty of opportunities in the near future. I'll try to leave my own rolls out of the pics. Em and I loved getting to hang out with you so much in NYC! Come visit us in Austin soon!
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