On Saturday you turned sixteen months old. This is getting ridiculous! What have you done with my little baby? No more bottles! You want to use utensils! You communicate with words and signs! Pretty soon you'll be asking to borrow the car and wanting to get your belly button pierced (please, not that). The other day your dad walked in and you said, clear as day, "Hi, Dada" like you've been saying it for years. What is that all about!? That's all I'm saying this month. Nothing mushy, just wanted you to know that if you want to slow all this down just a little bit, that'd be fine with me...
All my love,
Emmylou reading her favorite book, "The Wheels on the Bus." I'm afraid "Pride and Prejudice" might be next...
when does emmylou go global?
can't wait to hear about all her european adventures.
I've missed reading about Emmylou...can't wait to see pictures from her trip!
so glad to hear that you are back! i want to see the documentation of emmylou being fab in europe :)
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