Yep. She's had a cough for a week or two and then she had a sudden fever yesterday morning that went away only to come back even worse late last night. While I was at a movie with Em, Gary ended up taking Lulu to the emergency room with a 106.8 temperature.
We were there until about one in the morning and by the time we left, she was almost back to normal, pumped full of Motrin and antibiotics.
She's been fine today with no fever.
And even in an intense, stressed out, fearful situation, you can always count on me to document the occasion. Especially because she looked so cute in the hospital gown!
Before and after (popsicles at 1am are "num num")...

Glad that Emmylou is feeling better. She is so super cute in the hospital gown with her crocs.
Hope Emmylou continues to improve. Loved the gown and the crocs!
Ann Codlin
Poor little thing! I hope she is feeling better today.
thanks, everyone! i'm happy to report that emmylou is definitely on the mend, and would be spending hours of the day playing outside if i let her.
btw, not one single doctor or nurse said a thing about the crocs! i mean, don't they care at all about kids' safety?!
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