After lunch at Shady Grove with Ashley and Emily, Alison's brother Andrew, the Buchanans, Emmylou and I, and our friend Bev and her son Leo met at the playground at Central Market. Leo is just too cute as well, and since he lives in Austin, hopefully Emmylou will be seeing more of him soon. Emmylou and I actually went to the Farmer's Market with Bev and Leo afterwards and when we left, Emmylou kissed him on the lips! It was her very first kiss-- and his too!
As usual, I was kicking myself for forgetting my camera (what is wrong with me?), but Alison (a professional photographer) took a few at lunch and on the playground. Too bad I didn't get one with her and Emmylou or all the kids together!
Emmylou helping to push Isla's stroller...

Bev checking out Isla...

And Emmylou's first boyfriend, Leo...

It was so good getting to see y'all....Isla and I will be back in May for Andrew's graduation so we will have to set up another play date then!!
That was Super fun! We should play again sometime!
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