Emmylou with Mimi...
And with Daddy in front of the fire Sunday night after the long, fun weekend...
In other news, remember how a couple of posts ago I was bragging to you all about how I could bribe Emmylou to do anything with candy? It turns out she's smarter than I thought- she's actually been trying to bribe me! I don't even want to admit this, but one morning before I dropped Emmylou off at school, I gave her a piece of candy to sit still so I could put pigtails in her hair. She HATES when I mess with her hair and although I got the pigtails in, she struggled to get away from me the entire time. In fact, she usually won't even let me spend more than 0.2 seconds brushing or combing her hair after a bath (which explains why she has homeless person hair a lot of the time). So anyway, as much as she hates it, the other day, after asking for some candy without success, she came up to me and pulled her hair out at the sides of her head, as if to say, "I'll let you put pigtails in my hair if you give me candy." Oh. My. God. When did this upper-level reasoning set in?!!! I guess I have to try parenting with some integrity now rather than bribery. Here she is recreating the scene:
P.S. Emmylou, your letter is coming soon, I promise!
1 comment:
These babies are tricky...and wicked smart.
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