All the presents and everything Santa left...
"These are all for me?!"

Emmylou's new kitchen...

Where she made a cupcake for Elmo...

Tearing into the paper!

Ooh! A sushi set!

Thanking Lizzie for her giant Ugly Doll Ice Bat...

Cuddling with the fam...

Getting a kiss from Mimi (who drove in from San Antonio to get here at 7 am!)...

And getting a Christmas squeeze from Grammie...

Trying out her tricycle...

Gnawing on a bit of her candy necklace...

We all dove into our stockings to see what treats were inside (we started a new tradition this year decorating supplemental paper bags since the stockings themselves are always overflowing)...
Later we had a yummy dinner of Gary's signature filet mignon and risotto...
Yay! We love Christmas!
Yeah! I love Christmas pics! Looks like Emmylou had a great day. I hope she loved her sushi set :)
That picture of her covering her mouth is so cute. She looks like the little Who from Whoville.
What great pics. I guess it is time for the addition to the house just for her presents ;0)
See you in a month.
Man I miss that filet! New camera pics?
I second Bethany's comment. That picture is too cute.
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