Obviously these chairs were purchased years ago when we were still in that "I'm not sure we want children" phase.
I'm proud to report that Emmylou is, indeed, still alive and breathing at this moment. And, happy to announce that after trying every cleaning product in my house, the Mr. Clean Eraser is pretty good at getting ballpoint pen off of white leather if you rub each mark approximately 10,000 times, as hard as you possibly can.
Speaking of Barcelona chairs, and just to keep some humor in this situation, let me direct you all to one of the most hilarious blogs I've seen in a while: Stuff White People Like. Scroll down to #79 and you'll find our chairs. Actually, if you know Gary and I well enough, you'll probably recognize at least 90% of the stuff white people like as stuff we like. BTW, Gary went out two nights ago in a t-shirt, shorts and flip flops even though it was going down into the 40's that night (hello, #86 and 84! He probably also brought his North Face jacket with him- #87!).
omg! emmylou is lucky to be alive. great news that you got the marks off. i can't imagine how upset you were.
i have seen that blog and sadly recognized myself and carlo in nearly all of the statement. we joked about the blog in sf a couple of weeks ago because we were the only white people in an asian restaurant and that is on the list.
I just looked up these chairs online. Holy God.
I think it's cool though that you have nice things and you don't hide them away from Emmylou. Your house looks like an adult house, as opposed to a kiddy playland.
Thanks for your concern, but you can rest assured that our Barcelona chairs are knock-offs and not the real, uber-expensive thing (thank God, right?).
Thanks for what I consider a compliment- we definitely have kiddie stuff around the house but I've always tried to keep it in small amounts and not let it take over. Unfortunately we're outgrowing this house and it's getting harder and harder to do! And pretty soon we'll be back to the swing or pack & play in the living room, but at least it's only for a few months and then we're DONE.
That is definitely you people. We all hate to stereotype but they come from somewhere!
We're just lucky we have you. We all know white people love to have a black friend...even if you are kind of fake.
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