As most of you already know, sometime around September 8th Emmylou will become a big sister! We've told her about it but, of course, know she won't quite understand until the day the baby actually arrives (or maybe a little later when she realizes the baby isn't going away?).
The photo above is from about 3 weeks ago and I'm amazed at how human the baby already looks even though it is only about the size of a kidney bean. Since Gary and I agree that it is enough of a surprise at the birth to not have a baby one minute and then to have a baby the next, we'll be finding out if it's a boy or girl as soon as possible (sorry to all of you romantics out there who like a surprise). That ultrasound is set for April 21st but we may have another sooner. We'll keep you all posted!
Congratulations to you both!
Hope mum is keeping well?
Ann Codlin
Thanks, Ann! I've been feeling great- thankfully not a moment of morning sickness!
Congratulations again! I was wondering when the official announcement was going to be made. I can't wait see how Baby Stephens 2.0 turns out.
Congraulations, Becca! This is such exciting news! I was wondering when #2 would come along .....! Glad to hear that you're feeling well. Can't wait to see you (soon?) and catch up!
Sherry S.
Congrats Becca and Gary!! Exciting news. Am sure Emmylou will be a great big sis.
Congratulations again! Don't try to fool yourself that Emmy won't understand. When Jacob was born, Zach wasn't much older than what Emmy will be come Sept 8th. When the nurse brought Jacob into the room Zach told the nurse, "Put him on the floor I want to play with him." Zach has been overly protective ever since :0)
CONGRATS!!! Glad to hear you have been feeling good so far.
I have no doubts that Emmylou will be a wonderful big sister :)
Yay Becca! Yay Emmylou! Yay Stephens!
This is weird. I don't know you very well, but I was totally waiting for this announcement.
Congratulations to you all! So excited for you -- and happy to have someone to watch during the addition of a second child...this is not a hint. We're nowhere close to taking this step : )
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