Did I say that party "completed" her birthday experience? I have misspoken. After her party she got to open a few more presents, one of which was two tennis raquets from Grammie...
Check out the sweet pink headband!
Then, on Tuesday evening, Lizzie took Emmylou to PetSmart for the finishing touch to the present she gave Emmylou: a goldfish to go in her new Elmo fish tank! Here are photos chronicling the adventure (obviously, Em came along, too!):
Heading into PetSmart...
Emmylou ran straight for the fish tanks...
Lizzie helped her pick the perfect one...
The PetSmart lady first put the fish into a little box...
And then into a plastic bag with some air...
It was love at first sight...
Introducing Daisy the Goldfish, happily at home with Snorkeling Elmo...
And as if all of that wasn't enough, Emmylou went to an Easter egg hunt last Sunday afternoon. Once she realized the eggs were filled with candy she went after all of them with gusto, as you can imagine.
omg - that pinata is AWESOME becca! you did such a great job.
it looks like a very few fun days to celebrate the big 2nd birthday! i love how your mum got her 2 tennis rackets. hopefully she will follow in her grammie's footsteps and loving tennis.
Alex is right, the Ming Ming pinata is fantastic. Looks like she has been enjoying herself.
It is tradition in the UK to give chocolate easter eggs to the kids at Easter. Some kids around here end up with 15-20 eggs! i am seriously hoping people don't give any to Isla as it will be me and her Daddy that end up eating them. Not good for our diets!
That pinata is so super awesome. You should post a tutorial -- I want to make one in the future!
Between the pinata, the pink headband and the fish, that looks like a pretty sweet time.
Wow the pinata is fabulous; way to go Becca!
Emmylou is one lucky girl to be surrounded with so much love from you all. An exciting day getting to pick her own goldfish.
Ann Coldin
I want a goldfish too!
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