Her platter came with a scoop of ice cream for dessert and when I told her she could ask the waitress for it herself, she started screaming in a sing-song voice "Waaaiii--tttttress! Where aaaaarrrrre you?!" I'm happy to report that when the waitress finally came back, Emmylou asked for her ice cream perfectly, even using "please."
Yesterday we picked up a bunch of baby gear I had lent to my friend Allison when she had her son Graham a year ago. I had forgotten that there was so much stuff! Not sure where it's all going to go now, but at least Emmylou's enjoying it. Today she kept bringing me each individual thing saying "I love this!" Here she is climbing into her disassembled swing (which she truly did love long ago) but I don't think she actually remembers being in it...
And earlier today we went to Emmylou's Monday morning playdate. Here is Lulu with Sofia and Ellie eating a snack. When I showed the photo to Gary he said it looked like "Pampers and the City."
man, i'm envious of all this bbq that emmylou is eating.
so did she like the ribs? maybe you should teach her the chili's baby back rib song :)
Emmylou is suuch a Carrie.
He's so right. It's the pink drink in the bottle that puts it over the top for me.
alex, she really liked the ribs!
and gary always teases her that he wants to "eat some baby ribs"-- he stretches her arm up and tries to gnaw on her ribs-- so i think she might be a little confused by it all.
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