Happy 5 month birthday, little guy.
I just can't get enough of you these days! You spend the days smiling and laughing or grabbing for your feet and every toy around. You absolutely light up when you see me, which melts my heart. Right now your favorite toy is your Eric Carle elephant that lives at Grammie's and your favorite book is Mrs. Mustard's Baby Faces. You pretty much go bananas whenever you see either one.
You are so cuddly, soft and squishy! Your head is still as soft as ever, your cheeks are perfect for kissing (or, gnawing, yes) and your little body is just the right size for snuggling. You are sturdy and strong but still pudgy and delightful.
You just went to the doctor for your 4 month check-up last week (I know, I was a little late getting you an appointment) and you did great. Here are your latest stats:
Height: 25 3/8 inches (50th percentile)
Weight: 15 lbs., 15 oz. (50th percentile)
Head Circumference: 43.5 cm. (75th percentile)
I guess that means you're getting super smart. And I can't believe you've evened out so much since you came out of the womb! You must have been having a party in there.
I haven't broken the news yet to you that your daddy and I are going to Costa Rica in the morning, but Grammie's going to take good care of you while we're gone! I'm going to miss you and your sister like crazy but I think I'm going to come back a more relaxed, more sane mommy for you two.
I love you, Miller! I can't wait to see what you do this next month!
Love you,
Yesterday with Carol during the Super Bowl:
Can't wait to gnaw on those checks during Mardi Gras. Even better than Popeye's.
Have a great time in Costa Rica! I can't even begin to imagine how much you need it.
Let us know how the room sharing goes...we have Isla's room set up for her and the new baby to share. Fingers crossed we won't have both of them up through the night all the time!
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