Happy, happy birthday, Sweetie! How can it be three years already? I hardly know what to say. I guess I can start by telling you how happy I am that you're not 4 yet. I think we confused you a bit by having your birthday party last week because when we came in to tell you 'happy birthday' this morning and asked you how old you finally are, you told us "4!" Whoa-- not so fast! It took us a little while, but we finally convinced you that you are, indeed, three years old now. That's plenty old for us.
Today we took you to lunch at Mandola's and Yogurt Planet (your favorite!) for dessert before your Daddy and I gave you your present, a Rody horse. You really liked him and when I asked you what you wanted to name him, you quickly said "Fluffy." Then only a few minutes later you reconsidered and decided on "Rudolph." Yes, a girl's got a right to change her mind...
How much do we all love you? More than you love tiaras, candy and dressing up. More than absolutely anything in the whole world. How convenient that I got the sweetest, smartest, funniest and cutest little girl around! I can't begin to describe how happy you make me just by being you and how much fun I'm having on this great big adventure with you.
After you blew out a candle on a cupcake today you took it out, stuck it in mine, sang Happy Birthday to me and then told me to make a wish. I closed my eyes and the only thing I could think of was that I want to be with you forever and ever.
So that's what I wished for.
Happy birthday, Emmylou!
All my love forever,
With her eyes closed, waiting for her present...
"I love him!"
Happy birthday to Emmylou. I want a Rody horse.
happy birthday emmylou! you have the coolest parents - rodys are the best. (we wanted to give lila one for her first birthday but realized she wouldn't use it for quite awhile.) hope he's just as fun as he looks.
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