Today's adventures included a bath this morning and (if we're really lucky) might include a trip to Safeway or Target this afternoon. Lulu seems to enjoy her baths although she doesn't always seem quite sure of what's going on when she's in the middle of them (there are a lot of furrowed eyebrows). I can't get enough of how good a clean baby smells so I've started giving her one every single day rather than the once a week frequency suggested in my baby manuals (still, she's never gone 2 or 3 days without one). Hope y'all like the bath photos. The third photo posted is of her and me in our new rocker/glider given to us by Dad and Joyce. Although it's not the most attractive piece of furniture we've ever owned (yes, Dad and Joyce agree), it's definitely the most functional and my favorite at the moment because Emmylou has already fallen asleep in my arms several times in it. On another note, something happened yesterday that I forgot to include in my post that was one of the highlights of my entire life: when I woke up yesterday from hearing Emmylou stirring in her bassinet, I leaned over, said "good morning, Emmylou," and she broke out into a huge smile! My heart absolutely melted. However, I tried it again this morning and zilch... just some smacking and grunting (maybe I'll get another smile tomorrow). An update for those of you who knew there was an inkling of a chance we would move to Austin next month: no such luck. BUT, we are looking at being back in 6-12 months depending on what opportunities open up and it will be for a promotion for Gary rather than a lateral move, which this situation would have been. So please keep your fingers crossed for us that our return will be very soon! We can't wait to share all of these experiences with those we love.