Friday, November 10, 2006

We're in Austin and having a very successful trip! Yesterday while I went house hunting, Emmylou stayed with her Papaw and Nana. They sent over these photos from the day-- it looks like they had lots of fun! They spoiled her, of course, even buying her her very own *real* remote control! Papaw is convinced that Emmylou is brilliant because he pointed the remote at the TV twice and both times Lulu looked from him right over to the TV to see what was going to happen. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure this just means she and I watch way too much TV around the house.

As for the house hunting, we are under contract for a house we absolutely love! It came on the market just yesterday so I think it was destined to be ours. We are scheduled to close on Dec. 15th, so once we move here in the next couple of weeks the company will put us up in an apartment or something until we can get into the house. Here are a few pictures of it:


Alex said...

wow that house is gorgeous. what luck! where is located?

emmylou + miller said...

Thanks! It's off of Bull Creek near Hancock. I think that's close to you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

the house looks fantastic. Really glad to hear things are going so well for you! Moving is never fun but it looks like everything is falling into place nicely!! Good luck!

Kari said...

Yay!!! You're really moving back! I LOVE the house- it's so y'all!