Sunday, April 27, 2008

You'd think we live on a farm with the number of interactions Emmylou has had with livestock lately. Here she is feeding some goats this past weekend:

Going toe-to-toe with one...

And chasing a poor chicken...

We spent the weekend at Grammie's lakehouse on Lake LBJ and made a trip over to Sweet Berry Farm to pick strawberries (and to see goats and chickens, natch).

Picking with Grammie...

Picking by "I-self" (showing us the rare berry that didn't have a bite taken out of it before getting tossed into the basket)...

Riding with her stash in the wagon...

And enjoying the strawberry ice cream they sell out there...

We went to this farm almost exactly a year ago. To see how different Lulu looked then, check out the post here. She has so much more hair!


Anonymous said...

Emmylou looks to be having so much fun. Hos she has changed since the last visit.
Ann Codlin

Bethany said...

The retrospect is cool. So sweet.