Sunday, August 24, 2008

This morning Emmylou did and said something so funny that I'm surprised my water didn't break from laughing so hard.

While I was getting her dressed in her room, Gary was brushing his teeth in the bathroom, standing in front of the sink in the buff as he usually does right after he gets out of the shower. All of a sudden Emmylou turned around from me and ran into the bathroom where I heard Gary let out a blood-curdling scream. I was already beginning to laugh from figuring she'd hit him in the crotch in some America's-Funniest-Home-Video-kind-of-way, so when she ran back out of the bathroom as he was screaming I asked her what she had just done. Her answer:

[Squealing] "I pulled Daddy's tail!"

Needless to say, we had a little talk about human anatomy after I caught my breath.


Anonymous said...

hahahaha. she's going to love having a brother! Leo took off his clothes on the neighbor's lawn this evening and in breaks from running around he pointed out his 'booty! booty!"

Bethany said...

That poor tail!

Alex said...

i almost spat out my smoothie reading that. i can only imagine how much gary hurt!

The Buchanans said...

That is so funny....poor Gary!!

Alex said...

i told that to carlo and he died laughing too.

Anonymous said...

Too funny!!!!