Thursday, April 29, 2010

Last weekend

We spent last weekend having fun at PawPaw and Nana's house.

We loved getting to go swimming for the first time this summer!

And on Saturday night we enjoyed a delicious crawfish and seafood boil. Look how brave Emmylou was with those vicious creatures!
Speaking of vicious creatures, geese aren't the nicest animals, in case you didn't know. Apparently grey geese will attack for little reason, but Ernie, the big white goose, will do his best to protect you.

Along with feathery friends, PawPaw has quite a menagerie of heavy machinery. A little boy I know was quite taken with all of the specimens. Fortunately he was much braver than last time.

Thanks so much for the fun time, PawPaw and Nana!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So nice that you guys already went swimming this summer! It's really hot here in Arlington today, but our outdoor swimming pools in this area won't open until Labor Day. Can't wait! How cool is it that your kids got to pretend driving the truck! It looks HUGE when they sit in the driver's seat! I love reading about your adventure. Kaho